
第49章 the australian flag

fling out the flag-our virgin flag-

which foeman"s shot has never rent, and plant it high on mount and crag,o"er busy town and lonely tent;where commerce rears her stately halls1, and where the miner rends the rock,where the sweet rain on cornfield falls, where pastures feed the herd and flock.

still let it float o"er homes of peace,

our starry cross2-our glorious sign! while nature"s bounteous gifts increase,and freedom"s glories brighter shine!

1commerce rears her stately halls-i.e., by the building of trading centres, cities, or large towns.

2our starry cross: the southern cross.

brave hearts may beat in labour"s strife, they need no spur of martial pride1;high deeds may crown a gentle life,and spread their radiance far and wide.

fling out the flag, and guard it well!

our pleasant fields the foe ne"er trod;

long may our guardian heroes dwell

in league with truth, in camp with god.

in other lands, the patriot boasts

his standard borne through slaughter"s flood,which, waving o"er infuriate hosts,was consecrate2 in fire and blood.

a truer charm3 our flag endears;

where"er it waves, on land or sea, it bears no stain of blood and tears-its glory is its purity.

-sir henry parkes

1 martial pride: pomp and ceremony of war. 2 was consecrate: was made holy.

3 a truer charm: the poet means that the australian flag is dearer to us because itis free from bloodshed.

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