

"Splendid! Splendid! We are gathering forces! Learning is light, ignorance is darkness--I had a wretched education myself, but Iunderstand things; that's how I've got on!"It seemed to Nejdanov that Golushkin was shy and embarrassed--and indeed it really was so."Take care, brother Kapiton! Mind what you are about!" was his first thought on meeting a new person.He soon recovered himself however, and began in the same hurried, lisping, confused tone of voice, talking about Vassily Nikolaevitch, about his temperament, about the necessity of pro-pa-ganda (he knew this word quite well, but articulated it slowly), saying that he, Golushkin, had discovered a certain promising young chap, that the time had now come, that the time was now ripe for...for the lancet (at this word he glanced at Markelov, but the latter did not stir).He then turned to Nejdanov and began speaking of himself in no less glowing terms than the distinguished correspondent Kisliakov, saying that he had long ago ceased being a fool, that he fully recognised the rights of the proletariat (he remembered this word splendidly), that although he had actually given up commerce and taken to banking instead with a view to increasing his capital, yet only so that this same capital could at any given moment be called upon for the use...for the use of the cause, that is to say, for the use of the people, and that he, Golushkin, in reality, despised wealth! At this point a servant entered with some refreshment; Golushkin cleared his throat significantly, asked if they would not partake of something, and was the first to gulp down a glass of strong pepper-brandy.The guests partook of refreshments.Golushkin thrust huge pieces of caviar into his mouth and drank incessantly, saying every now and again:

"Come, gentlemen, come, some splendid Macon, please!" Turning to Nejdanov, he began asking him where he had come from, where he was staying and for how long, and on hearing that he was staying at Sipiagin's, exclaimed: "I know this gentleman! Nothing in him whatever!" and instantly began abusing all the landowners in the province because, he said, not only were they void of public spirit, but they did not even understand their own interests.

But, strange to say, in spite of his being so abusive, his eyes wandered about uneasily.Nejdanov could not make him out at all, and wondered what possible use he could be to them.Solomin was silent as usual and Markelov wore such a gloomy expression that Nejdanov could not help asking what was the matter with him.

Markelov declared that it was nothing in a tone in which people commonly let you understand that there is something wrong, but that it does not concern you.Golushkin again started abusing someone or other and then went on to praise the new generation.

"Such clever chaps they are nowadays! Clever chaps!" Solomin interrupted him by asking about the hopeful young man whom he had mentioned and where be had discovered him.Golushkin laughed, repeating once or twice, " Just wait, you will see! You will see!" and began questioning him about his factory and its "rogue"of an owner, to which Solomin replied in monosyllables.Then Golushkin poured them all champagne, and bending over to Nejdanov, whispered in his ear, "To the republic!" and drank off his glass at a gulp.Nejdanov merely put his lips to the glass;Solomin said that he did not take wine in the morning; and Markelov angrily and resolutely drank his glass to the last drop.

He was torn by impatience."Here we are coolly wasting our time and not tackling the real matter in hand." He struck a blow on the table, exclaiming severely, "Gentlemen!" and began to speak.

But at this moment there entered a sleek, consumptive-looking man with a long neck, in a merchant's coat of nankeen, and arms outstretched like a bird.He bowed to the whole company and, approaching Golushkin, communicated something to him in a whisper.

"In a minute! In a minute!" the latter exclaimed, hurriedly.

"Gentlemen," he added, "I must ask you to excuse me.Vasia, my clerk, has just told me of such a little piece of news "(Golushkin expressed himself thus purposely by way of a joke)"which absolutely necessitates my leaving you for awhile.But Ihope, gentlemen, that you will come and have dinner with me at three o'clock.Then we shall be more free!"Neither Solomin nor Nejdanov knew what to say, but Markelov replied instantly, with that same severity in his face and voice:

"Of course we will come."

"Thanks very much," Golushkin said hastily, and bending down to Markelov, added, "I will give a thousand roubles for the cause in any case....Don't be afraid of that!"And so saying, he waved his right hand three times, with the thumb and little finger sticking out."You may rely on me!" he added.

He accompanied his guests to the door, shouting, "I shall expect you at three!""Very well," Markelov was the only one to reply.

"Gentlemen!" Solomin exclaimed as soon as they found themselves in the street, "I am going to take a cab and go straight back to the factory.What can we do here until dinnertime? A sheer waste of time, kicking our heels about, and I am afraid our worthy merchant is like the well-known goat, neither good for milk nor for wool.""The wool is there right enough," Markelov observed gloomily."He promised to give us some money.Don't you like him?

Unfortunately, we can't pick and choose.People do not run after us exactly.""I am not fastidious," Solomin said calmly."I merely thought that my presence would not do much good.However," he added, glancing at Nejdanov with a smile, "I will stay if you like.Even death is bearable in good company."Markelov raised his head.

"Supposing we go into the public garden.The weather is lovely.

We can sit and look at the people."

"Come along."

They moved on; Markelov and Solomin in front, Nejdanov in the rear.

  • 无名钟


  • 我欲成仙


  • 快穿之我和宿主的那些年


  • 天行


  • 谁说我们不能在一起


  • 瞬遥的旅行


  • 小可爱VS大恶魔


  • 网游之强者世界


  • 异能之初


  • 汉唐人世间

