

Solomin turned to her.She did not raise her eyes.

"Then there is no need to bother about the Sipiagins," he continued gaily, "is there?"Solomin was about to go out.

"Vassily Fedotitch..."


"Why is it you are so talkative with me when you are usually so silent? You can't imagine what pleasure it gives me.""Why?" Solomin took both her soft little hands in his big hard ones."Why, did you ask? Well, I suppose it must be because Ilove you so much.Good-bye."

He went out.Mariana stood pensive looking after him.In a little while she went to find Tatiana who had not yet brought the samovar.She had tea with her, washed some pots, plucked a chicken, and even combed out some boy's tangled head of hair.

Before dinner she returned to her own rooms and soon afterwards Nejdanov arrived.

He came in tired and covered with dust and dropped on to the sofa.She immediately sat down beside him.

Well, tell me what happened."

You remember the two lines," he responded in a weary voice:

"It would have been so funny Were it not so sad.""Do you remember?"

"Of course I do."

"Well, these lines apply admirably to my first expedition, excepting that it was more funny than sad.I've come to the conclusion that there is nothing easier than to act a part.No one dreamed of suspecting me.There was one thing, however, that I had not thought of.You must be prepared with some sort of yarn beforehand, or else when any one asks you where you've come from and why you've come, you don't know what to say.But, however, even that is not so important.You've only to stand a drink and lie as much as you like.""And you? Did you lie?"

"Of course I did, as much as I could.And then I've discovered that absolutely everyone you come across is discontented, only no one cares to find out the remedy for this discontent.I made a very poor show at propaganda, only succeeded in leaving a couple of pamphlets in a room and shoving a third into a cart.What may come of them the Lord only knows! I ran across four men whom Ioffered some pamphlets.The first asked if it was a religious book and refused to take it; the second could not read, but took it home to his children for the sake of the picture on the cover;the third seemed hopeful at first, but ended by abusing me soundly and also not taking it; the fourth took a little book, thanked me very much, but I doubt if he understood a single word I said to him.Besides that, a dog bit my leg, a peasant woman threatened me with a poker from the door of her hut, shouting, 'Ugh! you pig! You Moscow rascals! There's no end to you!' and then a soldier shouted after me, 'Hi, there! We'll make mince-meat of you!' and he got drunk at my expense!""Well, and what else?

"What else? I've got a blister on my foot; one of my boots is horribly large.And now I'm as hungry as a wolf and my head is splitting from the vodka.""Why, did you drink much?"

"No, only a little to set the example, but I've been in five public-houses.I can't endure this beastliness, vodka.Goodness knows why our people drink it.If one must drink this stuff in order to become simplified, then I had rather be excused!""And so no one suspected you?"

"No one, with the exception, perhaps, of a bar-man, a stout individual with pale eyes, who did look at me somewhat suspiciously.I overheard him saying to his wife, "Keep an eye on that carroty-haired one with the squint.' (I was not aware until that moment that I had a squint.) 'There's something wrong about him.See how he's sticking over his vodka.' What he meant by 'sticking' exactly, I didn't understand, but it could hardly have been to my credit.It reminded me of the mauvais ton in Gogol's "Revisor", do you remember? Perhaps because I tried to pour my vodka under the table.Oh dear! It is difficult for an aesthetic creature like me to come in contact with real life.""Never mind.Better luck next time," Mariana said consolingly.

"But I am glad you see the humorous side of this, your first attempt.You were not really bored, were you?""No, it was rather amusing.But I know that I shall think it all over now and it will make me miserable.""But I won't let you think about it! I will tell you everything Idid.Dinner will be here in a minute.By the way, I must tell you that I washed the saucepan Tatiana cooked the soup in...I'll tell you everything, every little detail."And so she did.Nejdanov listened and could not take his eyes off her.She stopped several times to ask why he looked at her so intently, but he was silent.

After dinner she offered to read Spielhagen aloud to him, but had scarcely got through one page when he got up suddenly and fell at her feet.She stood up; he flung both his arms round her knees and began uttering passionate, disconnected, and despairing words.He wanted to die, he knew he would soon die...She did not stir, did not resist.She calmly submitted to his passionate embraces, and calmly, even affectionately, glanced down upon him.

She laid both her hands on his head, feverishly pressed to the fold of her dress, but her calmness had a more powerful effect on him than if she had repulsed him.He got up murmuring: "Forgive me, Mariana, for today and for yesterday.Tell me again that you are prepared to wait until I am worthy of your love, and forgive me.""I gave you my word.I never change."

"Thank you, dear.Goodbye."

Nejdanov went out and Mariana locked the door of her room.

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