

On a certain night I had retired to rest rather more early than usual, being slightly indisposed.I soon fell asleep, and had continued so for some hours, when I was suddenly aroused by the opening of the door of the small apartment in which I lay.I started up, and beheld Maria Diaz, with a lamp in her hand, enter the room.I observed that her features, which were in general peculiarly calm and placid, wore a somewhat startled expression."What is the hour, and what brings you here?" I demanded.

"Senor," said she, closing the door, and coming up to the bed-side."It is close upon midnight; but a messenger belonging to the police has just entered the house and demanded to see you.I told him that it was impossible, for that your worship was in bed.Whereupon he sneezed in my face, and said that he would see you if you were in your coffin.He has all the look of a goblin, and has thrown me into a tremor.I am far from being a timid person, as you are aware, Don Jorge; but I confess that I never cast my eyes on these wretches of the police, but my heart dies away within me! I know them but too well, and what they are capable of.""Pooh," said I, "be under no apprehension, let him come in, I fear him not, whether he be alguazil or hobgoblin.

Stand, however, at the doorway, that you may be a witness of what takes place, as it is more than probable that he comes at this unreasonable hour to create a disturbance, that he may have an opportunity of ****** an unfavourable report to his principals, like the fellow on the former occasion."The hostess left the apartment, and I heard her say a word or two to some one in the passage, whereupon there was a loud sneeze, and in a moment after a singular figure appeared at the doorway.It was that of a very old man, with long white hair, which escaped from beneath the eaves of an exceedingly high-peaked hat.He stooped considerably, and moved along with a shambling gait.I could not see much of his face, which, as the landlady stood behind him with the lamp, was consequently in deep shadow.I could observe, however, that his eyes sparkled like those of a ferret.He advanced to the foot of the bed, in which I was still lying, wondering what this strange visit could mean; and there he stood gazing at me for a minute, at least, without uttering a syllable.Suddenly, however, he protruded a spare skinny hand from the cloak in which it had hitherto been enveloped, and pointed with a short staff, tipped with metal, in the direction of my face, as it he were commencing an exorcism.He appeared to be about to speak, but his words, if he intended any, were stifled in their birth by a sudden sternutation which escaped him, and which was so violent that the hostess started back, exclaiming, "Ave Maria purissima!" and nearly dropped the lamp in her alarm.

"My good person," said I, "what do you mean by this foolish hobgoblinry? If you have anything to communicate do so at once, and go about your business.I am unwell, and you are depriving me of my repose.""By the virtue of this staff," said the old man, "and the authority which it gives me to do and say that which is convenient, I do command, order, and summon you to appear to-morrow, at the eleventh hour at the office of my lord the corregidor of this village of Madrid, in order that, standing before him humbly, and with befitting reverence, you may listen to whatever he may have to say, or if necessary, may yield yourself up to receive the castigation of any crimes which you may have committed, whether trivial or enormous.TENEZ, COMPERE," he added, in most villainous French, "VOILA MONAFFAIRE; VOILA CE QUE JE VIENS VOUS DIRE."Thereupon he glared at me for a moment, nodded his head twice, and replacing his staff beneath is cloak, shambled out of the room, and with a valedictory sneeze in the passage left the house.

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