

After this, when their fears were gradually diminished,--not because the wars ceased, but because they were not so furious,--that period in which things were "ordered with justice and moderation" drew to an end, and there followed that state of matters which Sallust thus briefly sketches: "Then began the patricians to oppress the people as slaves, to condemn them to death or scourging, as the kings had done, to drive them from their holdings, and to tyrannize over those who had no property to lose.The people, overwhelmed by these oppressive measures, and most of all by usury, and obliged to contribute both money and personal service to the constant wars, at length took arms and seceded to Mount Aventine and Mount Sacer, and thus secured for themselves tribunes and protective laws.But it was only the second Punic war that put an end on both sides to discord and strife."(1) But why should I spend time in writing such things, or make others spend it in reading them? Let the terse summary of Sallust suffice to intimate the misery of the republic through all that long period till the second Punic war,--how it was distracted from without by unceasing wars, and tom with civil broils and dissensions.So that those victories they boast were not the substantial joys of the happy, but the empty comforts of wretched men, and seductive incitements to turbulent men to concoct disasters upon disasters.And let not the good and prudent Romans be angry at our saying this; and indeed we need neither deprecate nor denounce their anger, for we know they will harbor none.For we speak no more severely than their own authors, and much less elaborately and strikingly;yet they diligently read these authors, and compel their children to learn them.But they who are angry, what would they do to me were I to say what Sallust says? "Frequent mobs, seditions, and at last civil wars, became common, while a few leading men on whom the masses were dependent, affected supreme power under the seemly pretence of seeking the good of senate and people; citizens were judged good or bad without reference to their loyalty to the republic (for all were equally corrupt); but the wealthy and dangerously powerful were esteemed good citizens, because they maintained the existing state of things." Now, if those historians judged that an honorable ******* of speech required that they should not be silent regarding the blemishes of their own state, which they have in many places loudly applauded in their ignorance of that other and true city in which citizenship is an everlasting dignity; what does it become us to do, whose liberty ought to be so much greater, as our hope in God is better and more assured, when they impute to our Christ the calamities of this age, in order that men of the less instructed and weaker sort may be alienated from that city in which alone eternal and blessed life can be enjoyed? Nor do we utter against their gods anything more horrible than their own authors do, whom they read and circulate.For, indeed, all that we have said we have derived from them, and there is much more to say of a worse kind which we are unable to say.

Where, then, were those gods who are supposed to be justly worshipped for the slender and delusive prosperity of this world, when the Romans, who were seduced to their service by lying wiles, were harassed by such calamities? Where were they when Valerius the consul was killed while defending the Capitol, that had been fired by exiles and slaves? He was himself better able to defend the temple of Jupiter, than that crowd of divinities with their most high and mighty king, whose temple he came to the rescue of were able to defend him.Where were they when the city, worn out with unceasing seditions, was waiting in some kind of calm for the return of the ambassadors who had been sent to Athens to borrow laws, and was desolated by dreadful famine and pestilence? Where were they when the people, again distressed with famine, created for the first time a prefect of the market; and when Spurius Melius, who, as the famine increased, distributed corn to the furnishing masses, was accused of aspiring to royalty, and at the instance of this same prefect, and on the authority of the superannuated dictator L.

Quintius, was put to death by Quintus Servilius, master of the horse,--an event which occasioned a serious and dangerous riot?

Where were they when that very severe pestilence visited Rome, on account of which the people, after long and wearisome and useless supplications of the helpless gods, conceived the idea of celebrating Lectisternia, which had never been done before; that is to say, they set couches in honor of the gods, which accounts for the name of this sacred rite, or rather sacrilege?(1) Where were they when, during ten successive years of reverses, the Roman army suffered frequent and great losses among the Veians and would have been destroyed but for the succor of Furius Camillus, who was afterwards banished by an ungrateful country? Where were they when the Gauls took sacked, burned, and desolated Rome? Where were they when that memorable pestilence wrought such destruction, in which Furius Camillus too perished, who first defended the ungrateful republic from the Veians, and afterwards saved it from the Gauls? Nay, during this plague, they introduced a new pestilence of scenic entertainments, which spread its more fatal contagion, not to the bodies, but the morals of the Romans?

  • 炽盛光道场念诵仪


  • 上清佩符文诀


  • 贤首五教仪


  • 广黄帝本行记


  • 吴光禄使闽奏稿选录


  • 进化高武


  • 剑武天心


  • 诛灵之神剑


  • 我于黑暗看见你


  • 一等恶妃


  • 语言与文字(和谐教育丛书)


  • 回档八零好事多磨


  • 破碎在冬日里的阳光


  • 小狐狸马甲该脱了


    【娱乐圈+学霸+又A又拽+爽文+隐藏大佬】 专业脱马甲,无脑逻辑文! 继母问她:这些年你都学了什么?季安抚眉低目:打架、斗牛、掏鸟窝,遛狗、喝酒、逗师兄! 面对黑粉的围攻,她忍无可忍,登上自己的大号,果断回怼!顿时,黑粉哑口无言!大佬我拜服! 季安觉得遇见了莫衍,她不是在脱马甲,就是在脱马甲的路上! 时樾说:小师妹就一普通人,普普通通比别人多看了一个图书馆的书而已!委韬谦虚道:小师妹学艺不精,恰好什么都会一点而已! 天机大师“一本正经”道:小徒顽劣,施主见谅!实在见谅不了,那就忍着吧! 莫衍很是无奈,原本想要“养成系”奈何丫头太撩人,果断抱走! 面对张牙舞爪的小狐狸,莫衍气得呀痒痒:“边捷,我要看书!” 每次吵架都惨败,我不要面的? 边捷流汗:“家主这是吃了没有文化的亏呀!” 各种配角、各种打脸、各种马甲,蛰香山“小阎王”玩转四九城!不服你来打我呀!
  • 千秋颂

