

About three in the morning, the dissident Armed-Forces have met. Henriot's Armed Force stood ranked in the Place de Greve; and now Barras's, which he has recruited, arrives there; and they front each other, cannon bristling against cannon. Citoyens! cries the voice of Discretion, loudly enough, Before coming to bloodshed, to endless civil-war, hear the Convention Decree read: 'Robespierre and all rebels Out of Law!'--Out of Law? There is terror in the sound: unarmed Citoyens disperse rapidly home; Municipal Cannoneers range themselves on the Convention side, with shouting. At which shout, Henriot descends from his upper room, far gone in drink as some say; finds his Place de Greve empty; the cannons' mouth turned towards him; and, on the whole,--that it is now the catastrophe!

Stumbling in again, the wretched drunk-sobered Henriot announces: "All is lost!" "Miserable! it is thou that hast lost it," cry they: and fling him, or else he flings himself, out of window: far enough down; into masonwork and horror of cesspool; not into death but worse. Augustin Robespierre follows him; with the like fate. Saint-Just called on Lebas to kill him: who would not. Couthon crept under a table; attempting to kill himself; not doing it.--On entering that Sanhedrim of Insurrection, we find all as good as extinct; undone, ready for seizure. Robespierre was sitting on a chair, with pistol shot blown through, not his head, but his under jaw; the suicidal hand had failed. (Meda. p. 384. (Meda asserts that it was he who, with infinite courage, though in a lefthanded manner, shot Robespierre. Meda got promoted for his services of this night; and died General and Baron. Few credited Meda in what was otherwise incredible.).)

With prompt zeal, not without trouble, we gather these wretched Conspirators; fish up even Henriot and Augustin, bleeding and foul; pack them all, rudely enough, into carts; and shall, before sunrise, have them safe under lock and key. Amid shoutings and embracings.

Robespierre lay in an anteroom of the Convention Hall, while his Prison-escort was getting ready; the mangled jaw bound up rudely with bloody linen: a spectacle to men. He lies stretched on a table, a deal-box his pillow; the sheath of the pistol is still clenched convulsively in his hand. Men bully him, insult him: his eyes still indicate intelligence; he speaks no word. 'He had on the sky-blue coat he had got made for the Feast of the Etre Supreme'--O reader, can thy hard heart hold out against that?

His trousers were nankeen; the stockings had fallen down over the ankles.

He spake no word more in this world.

And so, at six in the morning, a victorious Convention adjourns. Report flies over Paris as on golden wings; penetrates the Prisons; irradiates the faces of those that were ready to perish: turnkeys and moutons, fallen from their high estate, look mute and blue. It is the 28th day of July, called 10th of Thermidor, year 1794.

Fouquier had but to identify; his Prisoners being already Out of Law. At four in the afternoon, never before were the streets of Paris seen so crowded. From the Palais de Justice to the Place de la Revolution, for thither again go the Tumbrils this time, it is one dense stirring mass; all windows crammed; the very roofs and ridge-tiles budding forth human Curiosity, in strange gladness. The Death-tumbrils, with their motley Batch of Outlaws, some Twenty-three or so, from Maximilien to Mayor Fleuriot and Simon the Cordwainer, roll on. All eyes are on Robespierre's Tumbril, where he, his jaw bound in dirty linen, with his half-dead Brother, and half-dead Henriot, lie shattered; their 'seventeen hours' of agony about to end. The Gendarmes point their swords at him, to shew the people which is he. A woman springs on the Tumbril; clutching the side of it with one hand; waving the other Sibyl-like; and exclaims: "The death of thee gladdens my very heart, m'enivre de joie;" Robespierre opened his eyes; "Scelerat, go down to Hell, with the curses of all wives and mothers!"--At the foot of the scaffold, they stretched him on the ground till his turn came. Lifted aloft, his eyes again opened; caught the bloody axe. Samson wrenched the coat off him; wrenched the dirty linen from his jaw: the jaw fell powerless, there burst from him a cry;--hideous to hear and see. Samson, thou canst not be too quick!

Samson's work done, there burst forth shout on shout of applause. Shout, which prolongs itself not only over Paris, but over France, but over Europe, and down to this Generation. Deservedly, and also undeservedly. O unhappiest Advocate of Arras, wert thou worse than other Advocates?

Stricter man, according to his Formula, to his Credo and his Cant, of probities, benevolences, pleasures-of-virtue, and such like, lived not in that age. A man fitted, in some luckier settled age, to have become one of those incorruptible barren Pattern-Figures, and have had marble-tablets and funeral-sermons! His poor landlord, the Cabinetmaker in the Rue Saint-Honore, loved him; his Brother died for him. May God be merciful to him, and to us.

This is end of the Reign of Terror; new glorious Revolution named of Thermidor; of Thermidor 9th, year 2; which being interpreted into old slave-style means 27th of July, 1794. Terror is ended; and death in the Place de la Revolution, were the 'Tail of Robespierre' once executed; which service Fouquier in large Batches is swiftly managing.

  • 光明尽头


  • 贪恋红尘三千尺


  • 清风不再


  • 倾城叹:祸水皇后


  • 重生之剑魂出鞘


  • 感恩成就孩子一生


  • 原来是浮萍


    【妖怪类+单元剧】浮萍生于昆仑,活了万年,与她同时的生灵或为仙或为神,但她,偏偏还只是妖。因为浮萍能探寻人身上的气场,感知人的命运,所以她选择了为人算命。在这个过程中,她遇见了许多有趣的人。包括,那个温柔似水的他。 他们早在远古就已经相爱,只是往事已经不再重要。后来的旅途,他们越过奇异诡谲的古城,行至茫茫无人烟的荒漠,去往熙熙攘攘的闹市。这其中,有生死相随,有悲伤离别,但,不变的,是他们一直在一起。后来她才知,她不能成仙,不能成神,也不能成佛的原因,是因为她心中情太多。不论是对谁,都是一颗赤子之心。仙,神,佛虽是怜悯众生的,众生在他们面前都是平等的,但他们亦是无情的。只有她,是个异类。所以,不能成仙,不能成神,只能是妖,以人的形态行走于天地间。不能成仙,不能成神,亦不能成佛,那就索性做个浮生客。
  • 装在池子里的海


  • 2012神秘的玛雅末日预言


    侵袭中国的大暴雪、南部大水、汶川地震,印度。墨西哥大旱,希腊与加州大火,印尼大地震,非洲粮食危机,日益肆虐的H1N1、飞机事故频发、 金融海啸……不断频发的灾难预示着什么?都与2012息息相关? 中国推背图预言:2012年将是“乾坤再造”之时!科学预测:2012,地球磁极大逆转,再现恐龙灭亡年代!星相学说:2012,大十字,日月相冲,流血与死亡同在! 太阳系开始崩溃,地球偏离轨道,月球撞击地球,海啸淹没大地,冰霜冻结森林,天空降下火雨,荒漠变成深渊。这是一本最接近玛雅真相的解密之书。 《2012神秘的玛雅末日预言》是一部关于玛雅预言最完整、最深入、最 接近真相的揭秘之书!
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