

So hangs it, dubious, fateful, in the sultry days of July. It is the passionate printed advice of M. Marat, to abstain, of all things, from violence. (Avis au Peuple, ou les Ministres devoiles, 1st July, 1789 (in Histoire Parlementaire, ii. 37.) Nevertheless the hungry poor are already burning Town Barriers, where Tribute on eatables is levied; getting clamorous for food.

The twelfth July morning is Sunday; the streets are all placarded with an enormous-sized De par le Roi, 'inviting peaceable citizens to remain within doors,' to feel no alarm, to gather in no crowd. Why so? What mean these 'placards of enormous size'? Above all, what means this clatter of military; dragoons, hussars, rattling in from all points of the compass towards the Place Louis Quinze; with a staid gravity of face, though saluted with mere nicknames, hootings and even missiles? (Besenval, iii.

411.) Besenval is with them. Swiss Guards of his are already in the Champs Elysees, with four pieces of artillery.

Have the destroyers descended on us, then? From the Bridge of Sevres to utmost Vincennes, from Saint-Denis to the Champ-de-Mars, we are begirt!

Alarm, of the vague unknown, is in every heart. The Palais Royal has become a place of awestruck interjections, silent shakings of the head: one can fancy with what dolorous sound the noon-tide cannon (which the Sun fires at the crossing of his meridian) went off there; bodeful, like an inarticulate voice of doom. (Histoire Parlementaire, ii. 81.) Are these troops verily come out 'against Brigands'? Where are the Brigands? What mystery is in the wind?--Hark! a human voice reporting articulately the Job's-news: Necker, People's Minister, Saviour of France, is dismissed.

Impossible; incredible! Treasonous to the public peace! Such a voice ought to be choked in the water-works; (Ibid.)--had not the news-bringer quickly fled. Nevertheless, friends, make of it what you will, the news is true. Necker is gone. Necker hies northward incessantly, in obedient secrecy, since yesternight. We have a new Ministry: Broglie the War-god;

Aristocrat Breteuil; Foulon who said the people might eat grass!

Rumour, therefore, shall arise; in the Palais Royal, and in broad France.

Paleness sits on every face; confused tremor and fremescence; waxing into thunder-peals, of Fury stirred on by Fear.

But see Camille Desmoulins, from the Cafe de Foy, rushing out, sibylline in face; his hair streaming, in each hand a pistol! He springs to a table: the Police satellites are eyeing him; alive they shall not take him, not they alive him alive. This time he speaks without stammering:--Friends, shall we die like hunted hares? Like sheep hounded into their pinfold; bleating for mercy, where is no mercy, but only a whetted knife? The hour is come; the supreme hour of Frenchman and Man; when Oppressors are to try conclusions with Oppressed; and the word is, swift Death, or Deliverance forever. Let such hour be well-come! Us, meseems, one cry only befits:

To Arms! Let universal Paris, universal France, as with the throat of the whirlwind, sound only: To arms!--"To arms!" yell responsive the innumerable voices: like one great voice, as of a Demon yelling from the air: for all faces wax fire-eyed, all hearts burn up into madness. In such, or fitter words, (Ibid.) does Camille evoke the Elemental Powers, in this great moment.--Friends, continues Camille, some rallying sign!

Cockades; green ones;--the colour of hope!--As with the flight of locusts, these green tree leaves; green ribands from the neighbouring shops; all green things are snatched, and made cockades of. Camille descends from his table, 'stifled with embraces, wetted with tears;' has a bit of green riband handed him; sticks it in his hat. And now to Curtius' Image-shop there; to the Boulevards; to the four winds; and rest not till France be on fire! (Vieux Cordelier, par Camille Desmoulins, No. 5 (reprinted in Collection des Memoires, par Baudouin Freres, Paris, 1825), p. 81.)

France, so long shaken and wind-parched, is probably at the right inflammable point.--As for poor Curtius, who, one grieves to think, might be but imperfectly paid,--he cannot make two words about his Images. The Wax-bust of Necker, the Wax-bust of D'Orleans, helpers of France: these, covered with crape, as in funeral procession, or after the manner of suppliants appealing to Heaven, to Earth, and Tartarus itself, a mixed multitude bears off. For a sign! As indeed man, with his singular imaginative faculties, can do little or nothing without signs: thus Turks look to their Prophet's banner; also Osier Mannikins have been burnt, and Necker's Portrait has erewhile figured, aloft on its perch.

In this manner march they, a mixed, continually increasing multitude; armed with axes, staves and miscellanea; grim, many-sounding, through the streets. Be all Theatres shut; let all dancing, on planked floor, or on the natural greensward, cease! Instead of a Christian Sabbath, and feast of guinguette tabernacles, it shall be a Sorcerer's Sabbath; and Paris, gone rabid, dance,--with the Fiend for piper!

However, Besenval, with horse and foot, is in the Place Louis Quinze.

  • TFBOYS浅浅爱


  • 我当为天


  • 不靠谱的史莱姆系统


  • 在封先生怀里尽情撒野


    【宠文甜爽文】嫡长公主洛云在新婚之夜身亡国灭,魂穿成为华夏洛家大小姐。原主乖软可爱,是洛氏财阀唯一的大小姐,有一个姐控的弟弟,有十分宠爱她的父母,还有一个家世相当的未婚夫。一切可以说是十分完美,但是她有自闭症,而且未婚夫也有狂躁症。嫡长公主洛云来到之后,原主的自闭症好了,在完成任务的过程中,点亮许多技能:医术get√,美食get√……封先生一个壁咚,将洛小姐咚在自家门口的墙壁上,“只有亲爱的洛小姐一个,一直都只要你。”“如果你是第一名,那么我就要做第二名,不仅和你名字靠得最近,还隔开其他人。”某天,封玉宸发了条微博,一张图片,上面是两个红色的小本本,配文道:她是我的小太阳,我的唯一。洛云在下面悄悄点了个赞。然后她的粉丝眼尖的发现了,于是这件事就被顶上了热搜 #小甜心与封先生结婚#,#小甜心被抱走惹#,#我也想要甜甜的恋爱#。嫡长公主×狂躁症封先生
  • 意外中她养了一个二货


  • 傲娇公主请夫入瓮


  • 假如结局是悲伤


  • 天行


  • 修仙仙王


  • 元宫秘史

