

Salammbo crouched down upon the onyx step on the edge of the basin;she raised her ample sleeves, fastening them behind her shoulders, and began her ablutions in methodical fashion, according to the sacred rites.

Next Taanach brought her something liquid and coagulated in an alabaster phial; it was the blood of a black dog slaughtered by barren women on a winter's night amid the rubbish of a sepulchre.She rubbed it upon her ears, her heels, and the thumb of her right hand, and even her nail remained somewhat red, as if she had crushed a fruit.

The moon rose; then the cithara and the flute began to play together.

Salammbo unfastened her earrings, her necklace, her bracelets, and her long white simar; she unknotted the band in her hair, shaking the latter for a few minutes softly over her shoulders to cool herself by thus scattering it.The music went on outside; it consisted of three notes ever the same, hurried and frenzied; the strings grated, the flute blew; Taanach kept time by striking her hands; Salammbo, with a swaying of her whole body, chanted prayers, and her garments fell one after another around her.

The heavy tapestry trembled, and the python's head appeared above the cord that supported it.The serpent descended slowly like a drop of water flowing along a wall, crawled among the scattered stuffs, and then, gluing its tail to the ground, rose perfectly erect; and his eyes, more brilliant than carbuncles, darted upon Salammbo.

A horror of cold, or perhaps a feeling of shame, at first made her hesitate.But she recalled Schahabarim's orders and advanced; the python turned downwards, and resting the centre of its body upon the nape of her neck, allowed its head and tail to hang like a broken necklace with both ends trailing to the ground.Salammbo rolled it around her sides, under her arms and between her knees; then taking it by the jaw she brought the little triangular mouth to the edge of her teeth, and half shutting her eyes, threw herself back beneath the rays of the moon.The white light seemed to envelop her in a silver mist, the prints of her humid steps shone upon the flag-stones, stars quivered in the depth of the water; it tightened upon her its black rings that were spotted with scales of gold.Salammbo panted beneath the excessive weight, her loins yielded, she felt herself dying, and with the tip of its tail the serpent gently beat her thigh; then the music becoming still it fell off again.

Taanach came back to her; and after arranging two candelabra, the lights of which burned in crystal balls filled with water, she tinged the inside of her hands with Lawsonia, spread vermilion upon her cheeks, and antimony along the edge of her eyelids, and lengthened her eyebrows with a mixture of gum, musk, ebony, and crushed legs of flies.

Salammbo seated on a chair with ivory uprights, gave herself up to the attentions of the slave.But the touchings, the odour of the aromatics, and the fasts that she had undergone, were enervating her.

She became so pale that Taanach stopped.

"Go on!" said Salammbo, and bearing up against herself, she suddenly revived.Then she was seized with impatience; she urged Taanach to make haste, and the old slave grumbled:

"Well! well! Mistress!--Besides, you have no one waiting for you!""Yes!" said Salammbo, "some one is waiting for me."Taanach drew back in surprise, and in order to learn more about it, said:

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    随着地星联军的瓦解,华夏保卫军会缴械投降,还是抵抗到最后的一兵一卒? 不知是命运的眷顾还是偶然的际遇,一艘天外来物降临了东城区。从此金晓年与一个遥远文明的智慧机体一起生活,一起战斗,一起保卫地星。 当阿尔法机械兵举起大刀,长枪的时候,智慧机体卡尔能在条件允许的时候建造一架机甲,当战士感染病毒的时候,卡尔能寻找到解药,当入侵者发动异时空穿梭攻击的时候,卡尔能带领这保卫军躲避危险,当保卫军缺乏弹药的时候,卡尔能通过虚空制造一座兵工厂。 随着战争的变化,地星必然会发起反击。 在高等文明,智慧机体卡尔的帮助下,保卫军逐渐将战争由地面,深海,推向高空,太空,乃至星系,银河。
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