

In the midst of those hours set apart for sleep and constituting the night of the Vril-ya, I was awakened from the disturbed slumber into which I had not long fallen, by a hand on my shoulder.I started and beheld Zee standing beside me.

154"Hush," she said in a whisper; let no one hear us.Dost thou think that I have ceased to watch over thy safety because Icould not win thy love? I have seen Taee.He has not prevailed with his father, who had meanwhile conferred with the three sages who, in doubtful matters, he takes into council, and by their advice he has ordained thee to perish when the world re-awakens to life.I will save thee.Rise and dress."Zee pointed to a table by the couch on which I saw the clothes I had worn on quitting the upper world, and which I had exchanged subsequently for the more picturesque garments of the Vril-ya.The young Gy then moved towards the casement and stepped into the balcony, while hastily and wonderingly Idonned my own habiliments.When I joined her on the balcony, her face was pale and rigid.Taking me by the hand, she said softly, "See how brightly the art of the Vril-ya has lighted up the world in which they dwell.To-morrow the world will be dark to me." She drew me back into the room without waiting for my answer, thence into the corridor, from which we descended into the hall.We passed into the deserted streets and along the broad upward road which wound beneath the rocks.Here, where there is neither day nor night, the Silent Hours are unutterably solemn- the vast space illumined by mortal skill is so wholly without the sight and stir of mortal life.Soft as were our footsteps, their sounds vexed the ear, as out of harmony with the universal repose.I was aware in my own mind, though Zee said it not, that she had decided to assist my return to the upper world, and that we were bound towards the place from which I had descended.Her silence infected me and commanded mine.And now we approached the chasm.It had been re-opened; not presenting, indeed, the same aspect as when Ihad emerged from it, but through that closed wall of rock before which I had last stood with Taee, a new clift had been riven, and along its blackened sides still glimmered sparks and smouldered embers.My upward gaze could not, however,penetrate more than a few feet into the darkness of the hollow void, and I stood dismayed, and wondering how that grim ascent was to be made.

Zee divined my doubt."Fear not," said she, with a faint smile; "your return is assured.I began this work when the Silent Hours commenced, and all else were asleep; believe that I did not paused till the path back into thy world was clear.

I shall be with thee a little while yet.We do not part until thou sayest, 'Go, for I need thee no more.'"My heart smote me with remorse at these words."Ah!" I exclaimed, "would that thou wert of my race or I of thine, then I should never say, "I need thee no more.'""I bless thee for those words, and I shall remember them when thou art gone," answered the Gy, tenderly.

During this brief interchange of words, Zee had turned away from me, her form bent and her head bowed over her breast.

Now, she rose to the full height of her grand stature, and stood fronting me.While she had been thus averted from my gaze, she had lighted up the circlet that she wore round her brow, so that it blazed as if it were a crown of stars.Not only her face and her form, but the atmosphere around, were illumined by the effulgence of the diadem.

  • 王牌特弓


  • 名利场(上册)(译文名著典藏)


    群星璀璨的十九世纪英国文学,为读书界贡献了一大批传世名篇。萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackeray,1811—1863)的代表作《名利场》在这片瑰丽的星空中当之无愧地占据着十分显著的地位。穷画家的女儿蓓姬·夏普,自幼失去父母,但绝顶聪明。她以半工半读的方式从寄宿学校毕业后,由一名家庭小教师起步,牢牢抓住每一个机会,削尖了脑袋钻进维多利亚时代的上流社会,成为一颗光芒四射的交际明星。这一尤物的发迹历程,在滑铁卢战役波澜壮阔的历史大背景映衬下,展现了堪称世界文学中最成功的一个女冒险家艺术形象。萨克雷的词锋犀利,机智幽默,解剖人生精妙入微。本书问世将近一百六十年来,一直被誉为一面讽世明镜、一部警世宝典。本书收入萨克雷特为小说亲自手绘的全套插图四十余幅,极具收藏价值。
  • 秘境先锋


  • 漪川烟雨


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  • 我复活了秦始皇


  • 时空勇者的故事


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