
第35章 V(8)

Some day I want to talk about my library. It is such a curious collection of old and new books, such a mosaic of learning and fancies and follies, that a glance over it would interest the company. Perhaps I may hereafter give you a talk abut books, but while I am saying a few passing words upon the subject the greatest bibliographical event that ever happened in the book-market of the New World is taking place under our eyes. Here is Mr. Bernard Quaritch just come from his well-known habitat, No. 15 Piccadilly, with such a collection of rare, beautiful, and somewhat expensive volumes as the Western Continent never saw before on the shelves of a bibliopole.

We bookworms are all of us now and then betrayed into an extravagance. The keen tradesmen who tempt us are like the fishermen who dangle a minnow, a frog, or a worm before the perch or pickerel who may be on the lookout for his breakfast. But Mr. Quaritch comes among us like that formidable angler of whom it is said, His hook he baited with a dragon's tail, And sat upon a rock and bobbed for whale.

The two catalogues which herald his coming are themselves interesting literary documents. One can go out with a few shillings in his pocket, and venture among the books of the first of these catalogues without being ashamed to show himself with no larger furnishing of the means for indulging his tastes,--he will find books enough at comparatively modest prices. But if one feels very rich, so rich that it requires a good deal to frighten him, let him take the other catalogue and see how many books he proposes to add to his library at the prices affixed. Here is a Latin Psalter with the Canticles, from the press of Fust and Schoeffer, the second book issued from their press, the second book printed with a date, that date being 1459.

There are only eight copies of this work known to exist; you can have one of them, if so disposed, and if you have change enough in your pocket. Twenty-six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars will make you the happy owner of this precious volume. If this is more than you want to pay, you can have the Gold Gospels of Henry VIII., on purple vellum, for about half the money. There are pages on pages of titles of works any one of which would be a snug little property if turned into money at its catalogue price.

Why will not our multimillionaires look over this catalogue of Mr. Quaritch, and detain some of its treasures on this side of the Atlantic for some of our public libraries? We decant the choicest wines of Europe into our cellars; we ought to be always decanting the precious treasures of her libraries and galleries into our own, as we have opportunity and means. As to the means, there are so many rich people who hardly know what to do with their money that it is well to suggest to them any new useful end to which their superfluity may contribute. I am not in alliance with Mr. Quaritch; in fact, I am afraid of him, for if I stayed a single hour in his library, where I never was but once, and then for fifteen minutes only, I should leave it so much poorer than I entered it that I should be reminded of the picture in the titlepage of Fuller's "Historie of the Holy Warre:

"We went out full. We returned empty."

--After the teacups were all emptied, the card containing Number Seven's abridged history of two worlds, this and the next, was handed round.

This was all it held:

After all had looked at it, it was passed back to me. "Let The Dictator interpret it," they all said.

This is what I announced as my interpretation:

Two worlds, the higher and the lower, separated by the thinnest of partitions. The lower world is that of questions; the upper world is that of answers. Endless doubt and unrest here below; wondering, admiring, adoring certainty above. --Am I not right?

"You are right," answered Number Seven solemnly. "That is my revelation."

The following poem was found in the sugar-bowl.

I read it to the company. There was much whispering and there were many conjectures as to its authorship, but every Teacup looked innocent, and we separated each with his or her private conviction.

I had mine, but I will not mention it.


Lady, life's sweetest lesson wouldst thou learn, Come thou with me to Love's enchanted bower:

High overhead the trellised roses burn;

Beneath thy feet behold the feathery fern, A leaf without a flower.

What though the rose leaves fall? They still are sweet, And have been lovely in their beauteous prime, While the bare frond seems ever to repeat, "For us no bud, no blossom, wakes to greet The joyous flowering time!"

Heed thou the lesson. Life has leaves to tread And flowers to cherish; summer round thee glows;

Wait not till autumn's fading robes are shed, But while its petals still are burning red Gather life's full-blown rose!

  • 我养的人类弟弟黑化了


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  • 天行


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  • 夫人今天也是卧底吗


    逗比版: 作为一名咸鱼帮会的帮主,只会种菜杀猪的白茶突然火了! 原因竟然是因为一只鹅? 突然爆火也就算了,为毛pk榜单第一高手要千里迢迢追杀她?!为了复仇,白茶一怒之下练了个男小号潜伏进了对方帮会,企图从内部瓦解敌方恶势力,以报不共戴天之仇。 然而还没当她开始行动,关于她与第一高手的谣言却越传越盛……等等,传言也就算了,这个仇人是怎么回事?不仅不辟谣还要跟她的小号结婚? ——————于是白茶在大婚之夜仓皇逃跑,秒下小号换上大号。 谁知刚一上线,帮会里新收的小弟就将她堵在了复活点:“夫人,玩的开心吗?”白茶:“???”小弟:“一渡清潇是我大号。”白茶:“……”小弟微微一笑,抬起手中的剑:“给你两个选择。一,乖乖跟我回去成婚。二,被我杀退服。选一个?”白茶:“潇狗你的心能再脏一点吗?” 小弟俯身看她,笑颜如花:“比不上夫人心脏,正好咱俩凑成对。” 正经版: 是风动,还是帆动?是心在动。 有时候,游戏也是另一种江湖,血雨风沙,爱恨情仇。 【清冷腹黑第一公子vs伪白莲真御姐帮主】 ps:全息网游,相爱相杀,边打游戏边谈恋爱~
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