

Continuing to move without noise, Sir Terence entered his study, closed the door and crossed to his desk. Wearily he dropped into the chair that stood before it, his face drawn and ghastly, his smouldering eyes staring vacantly ahead. On the desk before him lay the letters that he had spent the past hours in writing - one to his wife; another to Tremayne; another to his brother in Ireland; and several others connected with his official duties, ****** provision for their uninterrupted continuance in the event of his not surviving the encounter.

Now it happened that amongst the latter there was one that was destined hereafter to play a considerable part; it was a note for the Commissary-General upon a matter that demanded immediate attention, and the only one of all those letters that need now survive. It was marked "Most Urgent," and had been left by him for delivery first thing in the morning. He pulled open a drawer and swept into it all the letters he had written save that one.

He locked that drawer; then unlocked another, and took thence a case of pistols. With shaking hands he lifted out one of the weapons to examine it, and all the while, of course, his thoughts were upon his wife and Tremayne. He was considering how well-founded had been his every twinge of jealousy; how wasted, how senseless the reactions of shame that had followed them; how insensate his trust in Tremayne's honesty, and, above all, with what crafty, treacherous subtlety Tremayne had drawn a red herring across the trail of his suspicions by pretending to an unutterable passion for Sylvia Armytage. It was perhaps that piece of duplicity, worthy, he thought, of the Iscariot himself, that galled Sir Terence now most sorely; that and the memory of his own silly credulity. He had been such a ready dupe. How those two together must have laughed at him! Oh, Tremayne had been very subtle! He had been the friend, the quasi-brother, parading his affection for the Butler family to excuse the familiarities with Lady O'Moy which he had permitted himself under Sir Terence's very eyes. O'Moy thought of them as he had seen them in the garden on the night of Redondo's ball, remembered the air of transparent honesty by which that damned hypocrite when discovered had deflected his just resentment.

Oh, there was no doubt that the treacherous blackguard had been subtle. But - by God! - subtlety should be repaid with subtlety!

He would deal with Tremayne as cruelly as Tremayne had dealt with him; and his wanton wife, too, should be repaid in kind. He beheld the way clear, in a flash of wicked inspiration. He put back the pistol, slapped down the lid of the box and replaced it in its drawer.

He rose, took up the letter to the Commissary-general, stepped briskly to the door and pulled it open.

"Mullins!" he called sharply. "Are you there? Mullins?"

Came the sound of a scraping chair, and instantly that door at the end of the corridor was thrown open, and Mullins stood silhouetted against the light behind him. A moment he stood there, then came forward.

"You called, Sir Terence?"

"Yes." Sir Terence's voice was miraculously calm. His back was to the light and his face in shadow, so that its drawn, haggard look was not perceptible to the butler. "I am going to bed. But first I want you to step across to the sergeant of the guard with this letter for the Commissary-General. Tell him that it is of the utmost importance, and ask him to arrange to have it taken into Lisbon first thing in the morning."

  • 水晶致粹玉


    好想回到十九年前,那时,她是豪门美千金,不优雅端庄,却性格百变鬼马被称“精分”? 到底是可爱到冒泡的小透明,机智聪慧的俏佳人,还是霸气凶狠的女战神? 这个美少女时而娇滴滴让人神魂颠倒,时而极富情趣又一身诗意,时而智商开了挂逆风局翻盘,时而却二话不说一顿拳头…… 真让人摸不着头脑…… 然而,总有人爱找麻烦。 一个是凌厉霸气的冷学神,一个是桀骜不驯的公子哥。 究竟,青春过尽千帆,谁人擦肩而过? 青葱校园纯情+热血逐梦之路 致粹,定义为“纯洁加情趣,活泼而又干净,美好而又自然”。致粹余生,幸好是你……
  • 用谎言爱你


  • 醉华觞


  • 剑临纪


  • 我的快意人生之权臣巅峰


  • 卿世仙途


  • 罡煞山河


  • 弑血杀戮


  • 咦爱


  • 佛心舍利

