
第62章 Endnotes (1)

1.General Hamilton one of the principal writers of the Federalist,was undoubtedly at heart a monarchist.On more than one occasion he plainly avowed himself such.In the convention which framed the Constitution,he exerted his commanding influence to impart centralized,consolidated,or monarchical powers to the Federal Union.

But,signally failing in this,in his subsequent interpretations of the Constitution he did what he could to bend the instrument to suit his views.

Judge Story and Chief Justice Kent,and,earlier,Chief Justice Jay,belonged to the same political party as General Hamilton.They were Federalists,and so odious did this party become to the American people,that it was driven out of power at the expiration of old John Adams's single presidential term in 1800.?[C.C.B.]

2.The resolutions of Virginia,in 1765,show that she considered herself merely as an appendage of the British Crown;that her legislature was alone authorized to tax her;and that she had a right to call on her King,who was the King of England,to protect her against the usurpations of the British Parliament.

3.At this time all the colonies were in the habit of calling England "home,"and the "mother country,"but no such language as "our sister colonies"was in vogue.There was little or no intercourse between the colonies.Their first intimate acquaintance with each other grew out of incidents connected with the older,French war in 1756.When Mr.Quincy of Boston,visited Charleston,S.C.,1773,he spoke of that colony as,"this distant shore."When the first Congress assembled in 1774,the members all met as "strangers."And they came together with no design to amalgamation or to blend their separate and,as to each other,independent sovereignties,but simply to combine against a common foe.They no more proposed to blend their separate sovereignties than a community of gentlemen propose to make common stock of all their property when they to take means to detect and punish burglars and horse-thieves.


4.The historical fact here stated,is perfectly authenticated and has never been disputed;nevertheless,the following extracts from the Journals of Congress may not be out of place:"Wednesday,September 14,1774.Henry Wisner,a delegate from the county of Orange,in the colony of New York,appeared at Congress,and produced a certificate of his election by the said county,which being read and approved,he took his seat in Congress as a deputy from the colony of New York."

"Monday,September 20,1774,John Hening,Esq.,a deputy from Orange county,in the colony of New York,appeared this morning,and took his seat as a deputy from that colony."

"Saturday,October 1,1774Simon Bocrum,Esq.,appeared in Congress as a deputy from King's county,in the colony of New York,and produced the credentials of his election,which being read and approved,he took his seat as a delegate from that colony."It is evident,from these extracts,that although the delegates from certain portions of the people of New York were admitted to seats in Congress as delegates from the colony,yet,in point of fact,they were not elected as such,neither were they ever recognized as such,by New York herself.The truth is,as will presently appear,the majority of her people were not ripe for the measures pursued by Congress,and would not have agreed to appoint delegates for the whole colony.

5.A reference to the credentials of the Congress of 1774will show,beyond all doubt,the true character of that assembly.The following are extracts from them:New Hampshire,"To devise,consult and adopt such measures as may have the most likely tendency to extricate the colonies from their present difficulties;to secure and perpetuate their rights,liberties,and privileges,and to restore that peace,harmony,and mutual confidence,which once happily subsisted between the parent country and her colonies."

Massachusetts."To consult on the present state of the colonies,and the miseries to which they are,and must be reduced,by the operation of certain acts of Parliament respecting America;and to deliberate and determine upon wise and proper measures to be by then recommended to all the colonies,for the recovery and establishment of their just rights and liberties,civil and religious,and the restoration of union and harmony between Great Britain and the colonies,most ardently desired by all good men."

Rhode Island."To consult on proper measures to obtain a repeal of the several acts of the British Parliament for levying tax on his Majesty's subjects in America without their consent,and upon proper measures to establish the rights and liberties of the colonies upon a just and solid foundation,agreeably to instructions given by the general assembly."

Connecticut "To consult and advise on proper measures for advancing the beat good of the colonies,and such conference to report from time to time to the Colonial House of Representatives."

New York.Only a few of her counties were represented,some by deputies authorized to "represent,"and some by deputies authorized to "attend Congress."

New Jersey."To represent the colony in the General Congress."

Pennsylvania."To form and adopt a plan for the purposes of obtaining redress of American grievances,ascertaining American rights upon the moat solid and constitutional principles,and for establishing that union and harmony between Great Britain and the colonies which is indispensably necessary to the welfare and happiness of both."

Delaware.To consult and advise with the deputies from the other colonies,to determine upon all such prudent and lawful measures as may be judged most expedient for the colonies immediately and unitedly to adopt,in order to obtain relief for an oppressed people,(a)and the redress of our general grievances."



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