

1.During the war of 1870-71between FranceandGermany,the German troops entered France,and weremarching towards Paris.A poor widow who lived nearthe line of their march had one cow,Fauchette,which was almost the only support of her family.To save theanimal from the Germans,she allowed her to grazeonly at night,and kept her hidden in the daytime.

2.Filippe,the widow’s eldest girl,as soon as she had cleared away the supper things,went with Fauchette every night to the meadow where she grazed,and watched over her as long as was necessary to give her time for her meal.It was a lonely watch,and many times Filippe felt very much afraid.

3.One night,when the moon gave enough light to make out objects clearly,Filippe was suddenly startled by the sound of horses‘feet.The sound told her that a body of horsemen was coming along the road.She flew to Fauchette’s side,and,with her hand on the gentlecreature‘s shoulder,began to push her away toward aclumpof tall bushes.

4.But,alas!the bell had been left hanging from the cow’s neck,and it gave out a tinkling sound,which drew the attention of the soldiers.Before Filippe couldget the cow out of sight,a gruffvoice called out toher,“Hold on there!We see you!Don‘t try to get that cow away!”

5.Overcome with fear,Filippe could only stand with her hand against the cow’s shoulder,looking in the direction whence the gruff voice had come.

dismounted and were climbing the fence.Others brokedown a wide gapin it,and entered the meadow ontheir horses.On they came,the moonlight glittering ontheir lances .

6.“O Fauchette !”cried Filippe,with a burst of tears,as she threw her arms around her dear cow‘s neck,“I am afraid they are going to kill you!”Then,in a firmer voice,she added,“But if they do,they’ll have to kill me first!”

7.“Let go that cow,girl!”said the same harsh voice,now very near to her.“We must have her.”

“What do you want with her?”asked Filippe,raising her head,and trying to speak bravely.

“To eat her!”was the gruff reply.

At these words Filippe burst into tears.She could not bear to think of her beautiful Fauchette being killed and eaten.

8.“Are you going away or not?”the man asked.“If you do not,I‘ll have you taken away by force.Come!”

She did not move,but stood with her arms firmlyclasped about the neck of Fauchette.The officerturnedto two of the men who had dismountedstanding near.“Seize her !”he said.

9.They started to obey the order.Filippe saw them coming,and her screams rang far and near.They were answered by an angry shout from the direction of the road,and the next moment a man on a powerful horse came galloping into the meadow through the gap in the hedge.

I0.He was a man in the prime of life,with an air that showed he was accustomed to be obeyed.Under his glance the men who had been about to seize Filippe slunk away.Only the officer held his ground,and he hung his head in confusion.

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