

1.It was winter and very cold,and Willie was lying ill in bed.He had been ill for many weeks,but was now getting better.The doctor said that he would soon be able to get out of bed,but he was not to go out for a long time.

2.Willie was very sorry when he heard this,and could hardly keep from crying.He wanted to look at the shop windows filled with Christmas presents,and to see them all lit up at night.

3.But Willie‘s sister Maggie did all she couldto cheer him.She went out to see the shop windows every afternoon when she came home from school,and she told Willie all about them.

4.There were evergreens in nearly all the windows,and in one there was a big Father Christmas.He had a long white beard,and his large pockets were filled with all kinds of toys.

How warm he seemed to be in his big coat and fur cap,and what a kind face he had!

5.When Maggie told Willie about him,he used to close his eyes and think he was looking into the shop-window himself.But there was one thing Maggie did not tell him about.This was a lovely wooden horse.

6.Every afternoon she stood looking at it,and wondering if she would be rich enough to buy it before Christmas;for she was saving up her money to buy it for Willie.

7.On Christmas Eve she counted over all her pennies.But she had not enough.“If I only had three more,I could buy it,”she said.But where was she to get those three pennies?

8.When her father came home that night he gave Maggie a bright new six-pence.She was to spend it as she liked.You cannot think how happy she was.

9.Away she went at once and bought the horse.The shopman wanted to wrap it up in paper,but Maggie said she would carry it under her shawl.

10.When Willie awoke in the morning what a glad surprise he got!He had long been wishing for a horse,and now here it was.That was a happy Christmas for him,even though he could not go out of the house.

11.It was also a happy Christmas for Maggie.She was happy because she had made her brother happy.And father and mother were happy,too,because their Maggie had been so unselfish.


2.Make sentence with these nouns as subject.

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