

1.A railroad train was rushing along at almost lightning speed. A curve was just ahead,beyond which was a station where twtrains usually met. The conductor was late,-slate that the period during which the up train was twait had nearly elapsed;but he hoped yet tpass the curve safely. Suddenly a locomotive dashed intsight right ahead. In an instant there was a collision1. A shriek,a shock,and fifty souls were in eternity;and all because an engineer had been behind time.

2.A great battle was going on. Column after column had been precipitated2 for eight hours on the enemy posted along the ridge of a hill. The summer sun was sinking in the west;reenforcements3 for the obstinate defenders were already in sight;it was necessary tcarry the position with one final charge,or everything would be lost.

3.A powerful corps4had been summoned from across thecountry,and if it came up in season all would yet be well. The great conqueror,confident in its arrival,formed his reserve5 intan attacking column,and ordered them tcharge the enemy. The whole world knows the result. Grouchy failed tappear;the imperial guard was beaten back;and Waterlowas lost. Napoleon died a prisoner at St. Helena because one of his marshals was behind time.

4.A leading firm in commercial circles had long struggled against1Collision,the act of striking together violently. 2 Precipitated,urged on violently.

3Reenforcements,additional troops. 4 Corps,a body of troops.

5 Reserve,a select body of troops held back in case of special need for their services.

bankruptcy1. As it had large sums of money in California,it expected remittances2 by a certain day,and if they arrived,its credit,its honor,and its future prosperity would be preserved. But week after week elapsed without bringing the gold. At last came the fatal day on which the firm had bills maturing3 tlarge amounts. The steamer was telegraphed at daybreak;but it was found,on inquiry,that she brought nfunds,and the house failed. The next arrival brought nearly half a million tthe insolvents,but it was tolate;they were ruined because their agent,in remitting,had been behind time.

5.A condemned man was led,out for execution. He had taken human life,but under circumstances of the greatest provocation4,and public sympathy was active in his behalf. Thousands had signed petitions for a reprieve;a favorable answer had been expected the night before,and though it had not come,even the sheriff felt confident that it would yet arrive. Thus the morning passed without the appearance of the messenger.

6.The last moment was up. The prisoner took his place,the cap was drawn over his eyes,the bolt was drawn,and a lifeless body swung revolving in the wind. Just at that moment a horseman came intsight,galloping down hill,his steed covered with foam. He carried a packet in his right hand,which he waved frantically tthe crowd. He was the express rider with the reprieve;but he came tolate. A comparatively innocent man had died an ignominious5 death because a watch had been five minutes tolate,making its bearer arrive behind time.

7.It is continually sin life. The best laid plans,the most important affairs,the fortunes of individuals,the weal6 of nations,honor,happiness,life itself,are daily sacrificed,because somebody1Bankruptcy. inability tpay all debts,insolvency.

2Remittances,mouey,drafts,etc.sent from a distance. 3Maturing,approaching the time fixed for payment.

4 Provocation,that which causes anger. 5Ignominious,infamous.

6Weal,prosperity,happiness.is "behind time." There are men whalways fail in whatever they undertake,simply because they are "behind time." There are others whput off reformation year after year,till death seizes them,and they perish unrepentant,because forever "behind time."

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