

The proud man, then, is an extreme in respect of the greatness of his claims, but a mean in respect of the rightness of them; for he claims what is accordance with his merits, while the others go to excess or fall short.

If, then, he deserves and claims great things, and above all the great things, he will be concerned with one thing in particular.

Desert is relative to external goods; and the greatest of these, we should say, is that which we render to the gods, and which people of position most aim at, and which is the prize appointed for the noblest deeds; and this is honour; that is surely the greatest of external goods. Honours and dishonours, therefore, are the objects with respect to which the proud man is as he should be. And even apart from argument it is with honour that proud men appear to be concerned;for it is honour that they chiefly claim, but in accordance with their deserts. The unduly humble man falls short both in comparison with his own merits and in comparison with the proud man's claims. The vain man goes to excess in comparison with his own merits, but does not exceed the proud man's claims.

Now the proud man, since he deserves most, must be good in the highest degree; for the better man always deserves more, and the best man most. Therefore the truly proud man must be good. And greatness in every virtue would seem to be characteristic of a proud man. And it would be most unbecoming for a proud man to fly from danger, swinging his arms by his sides, or to wrong another; for to what end should he do disgraceful acts, he to whom nothing is great?

If we consider him point by point we shall see the utter absurdity of a proud man who is not good. Nor, again, would he be worthy of honour if he were bad; for honour is the prize of virtue, and it is to the good that it is rendered. Pride, then, seems to be a sort of crown of the virtues; for it makes them greater, and it is not found without them. Therefore it is hard to be truly proud; for it is impossible without nobility and goodness of character. It is chiefly with honours and dishonours, then, that the proud man is concerned; and at honours that are great and conferred by good men he will be moderately Pleased, thinking that he is coming by his own or even less than his own; for there can be no honour that is worthy of perfect virtue, yet he will at any rate accept it since they have nothing greater to bestow on him; but honour from casual people and on trifling grounds he will utterly despise, since it is not this that he deserves, and dishonour too, since in his case it cannot be just. In the first place, then, as has been said, the proud man is concerned with honours; yet he will also bear himself with moderation towards wealth and power and all good or evil fortune, whatever may befall him, and will be neither over-joyed by good fortune nor over-pained by evil. For not even towards honour does he bear himself as if it were a very great thing. Power and wealth are desirable for the sake of honour (at least those who have them wish to get honour by means of them); and for him to whom even honour is a little thing the others must be so too. Hence proud men are thought to be disdainful.

The goods of fortune also are thought to contribute towards pride.

For men who are well-born are thought worthy of honour, and so are those who enjoy power or wealth; for they are in a superior position, and everything that has a superiority in something good is held in greater honour. Hence even such things make men prouder; for they are honoured by some for having them; but in truth the good man alone is to be honoured; he, however, who has both advantages is thought the more worthy of honour. But those who without virtue have such goods are neither justified in ****** great claims nor entitled to the name of 'proud'; for these things imply perfect virtue.

Disdainful and insolent, however, even those who have such goods become. For without virtue it is not easy to bear gracefully the goods of fortune; and, being unable to bear them, and thinking themselves superior to others, they despise others and themselves do what they please. They imitate the proud man without being like him, and this they do where they can; so they do not act virtuously, but they do despise others. For the proud man despises justly (since he thinks truly), but the many do so at random.

  • 破裂之后


  • 中玄志


  • 大宋少年志后传


  • 阴柔天下


  • 人道大昌


  • 魔尊异界纵横


  • 网王之雪尘


  • 带着斗破穿斗罗之异火龙凰


  • 中外新闻传播教育发展研究


  • 韩松“医院”三部曲


    韩松是华语科幻代表作家,被称为“中国当代的菲利普·迪克”,其新的长篇小说“医院”三部曲,探险近未来人工智能时代的医疗秘境,思考生命与人性的最大变局,集韩松反乌托邦思想体系之大成,足以改写华语科幻小说史。首部《医院》提出了“药时代”颠覆性的价值观,“看病,首先是个信仰问题;人生,就是一份治疗套餐”。第二部《驱魔》更进一步描绘“药战争”中的未来病人简史,勾勒医疗人工智能进化之路。而《亡灵》作为三部曲的终结篇,构建了复活之日火星医院的医学大同社会,“药帝国”的崛起并崩裂,暗示着生命“原死或元死”的秘密,而世界到了尽头一定是不可言说的。韩松的小说是对现实的深刻再现,其批判精神及文学想象,直接承袭鲁迅。这部以疾病为隐喻的医院三部曲,更体现出中国科幻中的“幽暗意识”。 《医院》提出“药时代”颠覆性的价值观,“看病,首先是个信仰问题;人生,就是一份治疗套餐”。《驱魔》描绘“药战争”中的未来病人简史,勾勒医疗人工智能进化之路。《亡灵》构建复活之日火星医院的“药帝国”,探讨生命“原死或元死”的秘密。科幻重塑生死观,世界到了最后一定是不可言说的。“电子版不附赠明信片,望读者见谅”。